zondag 7 juli 2013


Human scholarship is still in debate about the nature of elves. Some say they are petty-gods and angels, others regard them as a type of undead while yet different scholars say they are spirits of the natural wilds, of flora and fauna. In a sense they are al right, Elves are concepts of nature and myth in human form. While in human form, their inner spirit has little effect on their being, other than a general sense of alieness that permeates them, causing fear in goblins and general unease among men. It also gives them natural longevity and aptitude for magic.

If an elf dies from combat, magic or poison, roll a d6 and consult the appropriate table below:

1. Bursts apart in a flurry of leaves and flower petals that disperse on the wind
2. Bursts apart into a swarm of butterflies that flutter away in all directions
3. Melts away on the ground forming a patch of moss and weeds
4. Melts away on the ground after which a small, flowery shrub grows in the place he fell. The flowers may be used as ingredients for a healing potion
5. falls to the ground and turns into a log of wood. The wood can be carved into a club or bow with d3 magical properties.
6. Falls to the ground and melts away, within 2d6 days a spirit tree will grow up on the spot. When the spirit tree or any surrounding trees within 2 miles are in danger of being chopped down, the spirit tree becomes a treeman and attacks the offenders.

1. Becomes an apparently normal corpse, but rather than decay, turns into a patch of coral if submerged in water
2. Bursts apart in a watery splash
3. Melts away on the ground, forming a small pool of salt water
4. Liquefies after d6 turns. The liquid may be used as a potion of Breathe under water or philtre of wetted humours
5. Liquefies after d6 turns, the liquid may be used as a potion of Walk On Water or philtre of wetted humours
6. Falls to the ground and melts away. After 2d6 days, a spectre of the elf will appear and haunt the general area where he fell.

1. Becomes an apparently normal corpse, but does not rot and decay
2. Bursts apart into a flock of sparrows
3. Melts away on the ground, forming a patch of thorny white roses
4. Melts away on the ground, a small patch of healing herbs grow where he fell
5. Falls to the ground and immediately decays, leaving only hair and bones which can be used to create d6 philtres or one amulet of aerial humours
6. Falls to the ground and melts away. After 2d6 days, a wight will appear and haunt the general area the elf fell.

1. Falls to the ground and bursts into a swarm of tiny lizards who scurry away as fast as they can
2. Bursts into a flock of tiny bats who flutter away in the darkness
3. Melts away on the ground, a patch of poisonous purple and white mushrooms grows in the spot
4. Falls to the ground and immediately decays, leaving only hair and bones which may be used to create d6 philtres or 1 amulet of earthen humours
5. Falls to the ground as a heap of rubble and gravel. 2D6 magical sling stones (+1 to kill) may be salvaged from the heap.
6. falls to the ground and melts away. After 2d6 days, a wraith will appear and haunt the general area where the elf fell.

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